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The Vibe
Case Study

A restauranteur wanted to open a unique format of multiple restaurants in a single building, with a small event space. The restauranteur wanted to make sure that the format can be replicated in various locations, and approached BuildNext regarding the same because of our ability to structure designs and specifications which can be quickly adapted to suit different layouts and locations. 

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We worked with the customer to first create a USP for the format which can be easily replicated – we created a central event space on a hexagonal grid, which could be easily taken and adapted to almost any plot shape and any facade format irrespective of location and contour. We then picked out components of the structure which could create an identity, and can easily be used together in the grid we picked. 

Further, the sourcing and operations format for execution of the format on ground was also structured in a format which was optimising for both cost and time constraints of the business plan.

The Vibe is a good example of how the BuildNext stack can be adapted to and applied in adjacent asset classes where there are custom design and build requirements which needs to be extended beyond a single site – like in branded commercial and retail, hospitality, healthcare etc.  

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